184 photos   9544 visits

0 With Sarah 0

Cute girl <3 xD
With Sarah 001
With Sarah 001
With Sarah 002
With Sarah 002
With Sarah 003
With Sarah 003
With Sarah 004
With Sarah 004

Comments • 7

xLoveMiley 4 February 2011  
woow nice
ProtectxThenewMiley 28 January 2011  
Who`s this Sarah, Tiff?
xItsTiffanyThorntonxD 28 January 2011  
Just a girl from L.A :] xD
ProtectxThenewMiley 28 January 2011  
And why she has pics with all the stars? Is she friend with u, Miles, Selz, Demz, etc?
xItsTiffanyThorntonxD 22 April 2011  
It's just a fan!
xHereForStarsxD 26 January 2011  
Who's this Sarah?
xDetectorxFakezzx 26 January 2011  
She's beauty.. And you too:x
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